Equipment Throughput Manager

by yp cuenot


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This app performs the calculation of an equipment production capacity. Result depends on several parameters. Most parameters can be modified.You can therefore find the troughput or cycle time needed to reach a given production capacity. The "global cycle time" can be either set using keyboard or chronometer.PARAMETERS :
PRODUCT PER CYCLE: Number of product done per cycle.
NUMBER OF CYCLE: Number of chronometered cycles.
NUMBER OF SHIFT: For instance 3 if one shift (product team) on the morning, one in the afternoon and a third one at night.
O-E-E: Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Metric that identifies the percentage of planned prodution time that is truly productive.
GLOBAL TIME CYCLE: The period used to calculate other metrics. Can be set either using keyboard or chronometer.
UNIT CYCLE TIME: Mean time to produce one single product.
INSTANT THOUGHPUT: The instant throughput is the number of product manufactured per hour.
WEEKLY CAPACITY: Number of product done per week (39 hours of work per shift and per week) Unit is kU = 1000 units
MONTHLY CAPACITY: Number of product done per month (169 hours of work per month and per shift)Unit is kU = 1000 units
YEARLY CAPACITY: Number of product done per year. (2000 hours of work per year and per shift) Unit is MU = 1 000 000 units